New York Bans Fracking

New York Bans Fracking
We did it! You were part of it!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

PEC-NYC tells Governor Cuomo personally: "DON'T FRACK NEW YORK!"

Governor Cuomo paid a rare visit to NYC last night to promote his new book: "All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life."

Governor Cuomo speaking to a fracktivist at his book signing at Barnes & Noble in Union Square

And of course, PEC-NYC was there:


Anti-fracking protestors outside the Barnes & Noble
PEC-NYC had the option of attending an anti-fracking rally outside the store or purchasing books and waiting in line for a moment of conversation with the governor. We opted for the latter as we attend many rallies, but get few opportunities to speak to Governor Cuomo, directly. We waited in line for two hours, each clutching a 300-page tome. We had a plan.

We would respectfully tell the Governor:

* We oppose hydraulic fracturing in New York State.
* We are concerned for the health of our citizens.
* We are concerned about water quality.
* We are concerned about the agricultural and farming industry.
* Several of us have recently returned from Pennsylvania where we saw the effects of Fracking, first-hand.

We each developed a personal message to accompany it. Then, we slapped on our anti-fracking stickers on our shirts and coats and got in line.  We realized we weren't alone:

A fellow fracktivist hoped the Governor decorated the signature page of her copy of his book.

Aarron took a cue from our new friend:

PEC-NYC organizer Aarron Ricks
A few of us asked to have our books dedicated to, "A Frack-Free New York." This did not go over well. Neither did the decorated copies of the books. Before they even got to Governor Cuomo, the aides tossed aside any books with anti-fracking rhetoric and gave the Governor a "clean copy" to sign.
Aarron did not get the book-signature he sought.

The Governor listened to each of us share why we did not want fracking in New York State. He said to each of us, "(Your concerns) are why we don't have fracking, here." However, he was referring to the current moratorium on fracking, which could be lifted. We seek a ban. We told him so.

Will he listen? We don't know. But as organizer PEC-NYC Blue pointed out, "Though his crew was displeased, we used his book signing to speak our minds. These constituents' voices were heard!"

Governor Cuomo is notorious for keeping his appearances quiet ahead of time--mostly to avoid anti-fracking protests. We know it wasn't his favorite experience to hear from fracktivists during a quiet, promotional event. But fracking isn't just going away....neither are we until we achieve a state-wide ban.

We even got some press!

PEC-NYC in the New York Times

PEC-NYC in Capitol New York

If you would like to hear about more actions, please email us with the subject line: New York Meetings 

Thank you for reading! Have a blessed day! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014


A belated THANK YOU to all who donated to our Indigogo campaign! With the money we raised, we were able to feed over 100 marchers, supply reusable (and BPA-free!) water bottles, snacks and supplies, and best of for 7 Pagan marchers from out of town!!!

We would like to thank:

Monique Catherine Argento
Shannon Fleischman
James Graber
Jennifer Haines
Christine Kraemer
Bernadette Montana
Nanci Moy
David Shi
And all anonymous donors!!!

We even had a little cash left over which will be used to fund the travel of PEC-NYC members and friends to Washington, D.C. on Monday, November 3rd to speak out against FERC's "rubber-stamp" policy of approving LNG ports. We want FERC to know we will not stand for LNG ports in our region, such as the proposed Port Ambrose project. If you are interested in a day-trip to D.C., please see the information and contact us directly. At the moment, we can sponsor two people to travel to D.C. from NYC.